LARK 黄奕斐's profile


佳简几何 XIVO Design Co., Ltd.
倍益康/粒子重塑 来自斯克鲁行星

遥远的行星,对于我们每个人来说,本身就具有趣味性。而“斯克鲁行星”,是我们想要为产品赋予与众不同的产品人格,让他们生活化。每一款产品就是一款独立的人格属性特征,不同人格特点的产品在一起组成“斯克鲁行星”。斯克鲁行星不需要每个人关注,但至少在这个世界中的人,会特立独行。另外,“斯克鲁行星”不是要完全概念化,是要让人们通过产品故事找到自己。 我们的想法是,不是故意标榜自己的个性,而是找到自己的特性。


The package of the “BIRD FIGHTER” SUPER MINI MASSAGE GUN”, has a carrying-able function and  fashion elements. It is made of Dupont pater to break the inherent form. It will bring a new scene be used in our customers actual life. About outlooks, we are inspired by the street trendy elements, visualize product styling features as cartoon images, and present them on the packaging with street graffiti illustrations.The internal "game box" is inspired by the game consoles of trendy culture and simulates the form of a real game console.The packaging is easy to carry and is used frequently on a daily basis to reinforce the brand impression.

The ip street graffiti illustration on the outer packaging dupont paper is a series of ip illustrations that we have specially created for the series of products to facilitate the brand's offline promotional fission. The inner box of abs plastic packaging is a retro game console concept that incorporates the product's features and functional points into the design, so that users can clearly understand the product's features when they unpack it. This packaging successfully fulfils the user's requirements for a packaging that amplifies the characteristics of the brand and is also environmentally friendly with zero waste packaging.


Beoka is a well-trusted brand in the massage gun market.When the brand wanted to create a new massage gun for the youth market, we focused on the trendy nature of young people today and created a new and trendy packaging image for the brand that would differentiate it from similar markets. By breaking the conventional structure and packaging reuse rate, the user's perception of the product is constantly impacted from the moment they get the packaging, thus allowing them to unconsciously understand the brand's characteristics and to achieve an invisible fission marketing communication power for the brand.

This product is visually and structurally surprising, and has had an immeasurable impact on the brand's rapid emergence. The "packaging-free design" allows users to use the packaging in their lives not subconsciously, but spontaneously and actively after purchasing and taking out the product, realising a multi-use, zero-waste packaging design.

This packaging is a combination of two features: decorative and easy to carry products. It is packaged in two layers, the outer layer is an environmentally friendly recyclable dupont paper pack. The inner layer is made of abs plastic, which visually simulates the look of a retro game console. When the user is out and about, they can carry and use the outer Dupont paper pack directly as a normal crossbody bag. The inner box can be carried out with the outer packaging or kept indoors to store the product. The packaging is very usable and allows the user to actively reuse the packaging, making it truly multi-purpose.

Packaging fully takes into account the product usage scenarios and user psychology in the design. Let users not only be full of surprise and ritual when opening the package. In terms of visual design, on the front of the bag, we used a full version of the graffiti art style ip illustration. Through such a visual presentation, the brand can quickly capture the preferences of the target group, thereby enhancing the brand influence and conveying the brand value.


